The Science of Cuteness

Girls are known for calling inanimate objects and completely unreliable things “cute”. Have you every heard your grandmother say “that table is so cute!” and were you ever confused by her choice of words? Most of us think of babies and puppies as cute, but what is cuteness in actuality? It’s not sexual, it’s not beautiful, but it’s simply cute. What is it makes something or someone cute?


Humans are very empathetic creatures. They possess more mirror neurons (neurons that direct empathy and understand feeling based on facial cues that you relate to) in only a quarter of their brain then any other animal possess in their entire limbic system (mirror neurons can be found in large quantities within the other parts of their body). It is because we’re empathetic, we possess pity and an innate sense of protectiveness whenever we see certain “trigger” features

The cutest things out there are obviously babies. They instantly fill our senses with joy and a need to nibble on their toes or hold them. This is because they are so obviously fragile and needy. We must help babies in every aspect until they’re a little older. The reason that dogs or cats don’t show as attentive affection to their kids is because it’s not necessary. They are animals that don’t rely on observing the constant changing nature of their surrounding and making decisions. Humans are so advanced that they need more time to develop and experience the rapidly evolving world. Every human is born with a certain disposition to instinct like latching onto a mother or crying for help, but every time a human is born, they aren’t born in a wild habitat that their ancestors have been exposed to for thousands of years, they start anew in a completely different environment than the one’s their parents had. When a cat has a kitten, the kitten at 14 weeks is independent enough to survive by itself, and by 6 months, it can start having kittens of it’s own. The need for consolidation and constant supervision past 2 weeks is unnecessary since it diets need to develop intelligence past a certain point. Kittens, piglets and puppies are coddled until this 2 week margin and are inseparable from the mother, however, after this time there even may be competition between the children and their parents for survival, almost as if they forgot that they were related (much like they generally do).


This explains why when things are helpless and pathetic, they seem more cute, especially if they look like a baby. It is statistically prove that people with rounder faces, big eyes and shorter legs are not as sexually appealing but still get a lot of attention because of the adorability factor. People are just generally nicer to them. Thats what we call a cherub expression. Cute also implies that something makes you happy. When you see something cute, like a baby, your brain automatically grows with dopamine. In fact, your own mind won’t allow you to be too happy in order keep you relatively focused and emotionally constant, when you see a baby, after you think of biting their toes, people almost always feel a decrease in dopamine.

When people say that they think an object like a table looks cute, it’s seemingly harder to calculate the reason why, however, it’s generally only because it’s shorter, thicker, or lighter-colored. Those are ingredients to a more likable inanimate object. It doesn’t necessarily mean it’s “cute” per say, just more easily admired.

The Science of Comedy

We all have moments where we burst out laughing for little reason, sometimes we laugh at something and don’t understand why it’s even funny at all. Those moments can be explained with three principles created by comedian Grew Dean.

The first principle is timing. Timing can mean multiple of things. It can be found predominantly in puns, in ironic statements and in sarcasm. The spacing between the words and the stretching in the words you choose can mean everything in a joke. In puns like “Yesterday I shot an elephant in my pajamas,” goes the old Groucho Marx joke. “How it got in my pajamas I have no idea.” Is funny partially because of the timing of the sentences Image if the sentences had no pause in between them or was spoken like a normal sentence. Somehow not as funny, right?

How many babies does it take to paint a wall red? Just one, but you have to throw it really hard. The second principle is shock or the “kick of discovery”. This is when the answer or the conclusion to a joke is told. Generally the joke builds up anticipation into what the climax is and the initial discovery of first hearing it can be the shock or predicted answer. Shock generally makes something funny, not in the way that makes its appalling but makes its original or out of the box. Thinking one way and then suddenly turning that thinking around. Shock and surprise are needed for that turn, but there must be a destination too. The reason dead baby jokes (like our example) are so unappealing is that the same ingredient providing the shock also leaves us with some unfortunate imagery once the joke is over.

The problem of viewing humor as a psychological process, rather than following a strict formula of shock or surprise, is that the analysis becomes vague. What is a joke, really? That’s hard to answer, but that’s also the point. Ask a hundred scientists to define humor, and each will have a different response because the answer is in our heads, not on the stage. Whatever causes our brain confusion or conflict is likely to make us laugh. And we all laugh at different things because we each have different thresholds for what leads to confusion, and what offends us deeply.

That leads us to our third principle, tragedy or grotesqueness. The ready dirty jokes or toilet humor is so popular is because humans are wired to elevate stress in a dour situation or when they feel like their mental health is threatened. Sometimes in funerals, people giggled. In my aunt’s funeral, i’m sad to say that my and I cousin found ourselves extremely depressed, yet we couldn’t help ourselves but laugh uncontrollably for minuets even though we were just sobbing previously. When something is awkward, we smile to lighten the mood and sometimes in horror movies, we laugh to help alleviate fear.

According to Huffington Post and various scientific research, this is the duke in the world though you probably never heard of it: Two hunters are out in the woods when one of them collapses. He’s not breathing and his eyes are glazed, so his friend calls 911. “My friend is dead! What should I do?” The operator replies, “Calm down, sir. I can help. First make sure that he’s dead.” There’s a silence, then a loud bang. Back on the phone, the guy says, “Ok, now what?”

Can you now understand why it’s funny? The slight pausing you use while reading it in your head, the irony and lack of logic as well as the offending and tragic premise and ending. The perfect recipe for a great joke.

Are Humans The Top Predators?

             We all like to consider us as the top of the food chain, especially meat eaters, but is this really the case or is it just typical human arrogance talking? Well, humans are arrogant, but they are rightfully so. We observe sharks and bears and try to study their behavior with our high-tech cameras and our submarines. When we talk of another species, we humans illuminate curiosity and wonder, but when it truly comes down to comparison of dominance, there really isn’t any debate at all. Look at killer whales, the current dominating annex predator in the world. This is likely because they swim 29 m/h (and even faster in shorter distances), which is faster than whales, most sharks and most dolphins. Like humans, killer whales make up for their lack in physical strength with speed and strong teeth, but most predominately, their strategic skills and social groups. Unlike most whales, they hunt together and use their larger and more developed brains to quickly think of a collective plan. Since they are social, they act as a conglomerate. all apart of a larger society. Because of this, they are able to feast on blue whales, great white sharks, and even polar bear regularly. Yet, even though they dominate the ocean. we find ways to capture them unwillingly, immobilize them, and trap them in a aquarium where we view them for our amusement. Not only that, we give them cute names and make them do tricks for food, we swim with them and ride them for fun without approaching the idea that these were once notorious killing machines in the ocean. The very purpose of debated whether an orca would kill us is amusing because the obvious answer is no. They are fats and have sharp teeth, yet we have submarines and torpedoes that never lose.

       Obviously orcas wouldn’t fair on land, so which land animal is the top annex predator? Interestingly enough the Siberian tiger would easily beat a lion, a polar bear and a grizzly bear in a fight. Though a Siberian tiger and a polar bear aren’t natural competitors, the anatomy of the tiger shows that they’re superior in speed, senses, strength and jumping-power. You may be surprised at how often tigers, even tamed ones, will try to kill a human. In fact just recently in a Boston zoo, a employee tried to feed it some lunch and approach it, the tiger showed no signs of aggression but suddenly and instantaneously killed the zookeeper, effectible traumatizing the visitors who watched the tiger kill him with a single bite to the neck with no time for the zookeeper to struggle out if it’s grip. Of course, soon after, the tiger was shot but what was learned from this and many previous experiences with tiger attacks was that you could tame a lion, a bear and even the most ferocious bull elephants but you cannot tame a tiger completely. They may look docile in the zoos but when the feces and urine was tested for hormone disposition, adrenaline had thoroughly increased in sized, particularly when humans came around to look at the tiger, meaning that even though the tiger may be interesting to you, even cute, in actuality the tiger is plotting a way to strike you and kill you. Another incident 20 years ago in Africa also shows how truly terrifying tigers are. In this case, there were lions who fall behind tigers in the scale of dominance, but still physically dominant to humans. About 160 or so workers were laboring on a railroad in Zimbabwe. All of a sudden two lions appeared out of nowhere. The workers ignored the imposers, but after about 30 minuets of waiting, the lions mauled the African workers one by one, killing 150 of them. All the workers ran in fear of their lives and shot at them with rifles but were unable to penetrate their skulls. The lions bit their necks and left their bodies until less than 10 workers survived because they finally managed to shoot them down.

          Even though this story is completely true, this should not be taken too seriously since exceptions in nature do occur and we still find ourselves going to the zoo and characterizing tigers, polar bears and killer whales as stuffed animals with cute names. Animals are ruthless and unreasonable. They are willing to eat their children to survive and to eliminate the chances of their overtaking if the dominant position. The only thing in the mind of a wild animal is to mate, eat, survive and repeat. That may be true to humans as well but we posses an extreme amount of empathy, mirror neurons and the biggest amygdala on earth. Though it’s true that everything we do may be correlated to natural competition with other humans and to increase our status as potential mate, we still have to ability to logically take apart situations and to analyze them unbiasedly. With mind over matter, advanced tools and with collective strategizing =, there isn’t and animal that can come close to humans.

Why Your Kids SHOULD Play Video Games

The biggest controversy in raising kids in this generation is generally the use of technology they are exposed to. There is no doubt that children are getting exponentially smarter as the generations go one, but do video games really deserve credit? The answer is: partially. Most people aren’t really motivated to do work to increase your brainpower, sure some people like reading and some people like to play chess but both of this tasks are monotonous in terms of the areas of you brain which you use. Reading and chess both improve the hippocampus, or the part if the brain which works on memory and quick-thinking. Its basically the powerhouse of the brain when it comes to human intelligence. Though you’ll defiantly experience benefits out of reading and playing chess, it’s harder to make improvements just by doing those tasks since they require your brain to do one task. Video games on the other hand have us do more than one task at a time. You have to constantly adapt your brain to learn a new task, a new hand-eye coordination set when you play with controllers and especially problem solving skills, quick-thinking skills and spacial recognition skills.

Image result for kids brains after playing video games

Obviously gaming can be good for the brain and can increase IQ. As seen by multiple generation-long studies, people who started playing games for an hour a day or more have seen an IQ increase of an average of 5-8 points. Thats huge! Even violent games have their benefits. They help hand-eye coordination, logic skills and especially strategy.

Thats not to say that video games are all good, of course they have some negative side effects on the eyes. However, our youth’s eyes are evolving rabidly and even noticeably to take larger shape and have more advanced UV filter due to the computer usage modern humans experience. It’s also true that people who play violent video games are more likely to be less empathetic in their decision-making process and when socializing with other kids. However, video games, like iPhones, can be great for communication with their peers as we evolve into a more technology-oriented communication driven world.

How Today’s Youth Will Be Far Smarter Than Their Parents.

        In the spring of today’s youth, we find new-generational teenagers participating in activities such as video games, web surfing and social media. The parents of this generation must be rather disappointed right? well that may be true to an extent considering that our parents lived much more active and aesthetic lifestyles, but what your parents may not know is something called the “Flynn Effect”.

        The Flynn Effect states that ever generation, the average intelligence of children increases exponentially. This is just how human evolution works. The first humans learn that some plant is poisonous after watching people die from contact with it. The ones who survive the plant warn their children not to go near it because it’s dangerous. That generation ill survive this plant and some of them will die from another poison of some sort and will remind their children to stay away until eventually one generation will be knowledgeable of every poisonous plant in their area and will understand through history and the experience of the older generations just why they died from those plants and just what remedies you can use to avoid fatality. Some argue that this is natural selection, which it is of course, but since the youth of today don’t usually die from such a mistake as consuming a poison especially since modern medicine has gone so far, but the same principle still applies today, especially to youth since the industrial revolution.

        Not only do youth gain more knowledge at exponential rates, because of the invention of the internet, youth are learning to gain extravagant amounts of knowledge far more efficiently than the previous information. Today, children can skim through countless amount of data and simply devour it whole. This is exceptionally promising for future prospects. Image the 1200’s, where students and teachers, even scholars, had access to generally only one book. A book at that time would even cost as much as a house so it was almost impossible for the average person to have one. Now look at us today, 800 years later. Around 84% of the world has internet access (Washington Post). This means that nearly everyone has access to literally millions upon millions of books at their fingertips, or, to todays youth, in front of their faces at all times.

        This information is extremely easy to access and is listed out right in front of them for their own preferable access. Today’s average college students are approximately as knowledgeable as scholars from only 100 years ago, the same people who were taught “literally everything there is to know. Now lets look at real proof: IQ. As the Flynn effect states, the average IQ increases drastically every generation. In the 1910’s the average IQ was between 60 and 75, when today, someone who scores a 75 on an IQ test is depicted as someone who has a serious learning disability and can’t participate in normal society without consistent help. Today, the average IQ is beyond 100. In the 1930’s someone was depicted as a genius if their IQ was above 100, today, you’re depicted as a genius if your IQ is beyond 145. According to Smithsonian, we notice increases in our IQ by 9 points every generation. Thats highly significant, and it stands proven seeing as the average IQ of our grandparents were at 82 points. Physically, each generation tends to have a larger hippocampus (the part of the brain which is responsible for memory and quick-thinking. Also in terms of vocabulary, the average child has a far higher vocab then an adult 2 generations. ago. In fact the the Wechsler’s IQ test states that in the past 5 years alone, the average IQ in the vocabulary section has increased by 13.4 points. that’s huge!

        Interestingly enough, video games are known to increase IQ and also a person’s ability to make logical and quick decisions. Children are also exposed to more musical instruments and more songs. Surprisingly, karaoke can increase ones IQ by 8 whole points if done at a young age or right before and IQ test while randomly learning new activities as our youth tends to do a lot of, such as playing the keyboard for example, by itself can increase your IQ by 3-5 points. Such as other hobbies, I interview a 17 yr old girl from Maryland who claimed to have represented (team 12161 Reservoir Robotics). Talking about this with herm I gained insight on a teenagers point of view, She emphasized that her team dedicates extraneous hours of work after school that is even more stressful than school itself. “We spend hours working on robots and coding. Though we do it because we are competitively committed to STEM, teenagers across the nation all participate in advanced technology of some sort. Whether it be programming, building or developing software of some sort, every teenager does it and now more than ever.”

How Many Senses Do We Really Have?

Before we can understand the quantity of our senses, we first must understand what a sense is. It’s definition is-

Any system that consists of a group of sensory cell types that respond to a specific physical phenomenon and that corresponds to a particular group of regions within the brain where the signals are received and interpreted.

Our teachers attempted to teach us the fundamentals of our bodies when we were young, thinking that it would enhance our understanding of the world around us, but in reality our senses are not limited to sight, sound, smell, touch and taste. Some scientist propose that we are capable of feeling thousands to an infinite amount of senses, others suggest 9 or 21 specific senses are felt, but won’t know the amount until we can constitute what a sense is, all we know is that we feel some to an extent, while some go beyond feeling.

  • Pressure

Pressure is the feeling of altitude or gravity which isn’t necessarily a sensation which can be felt on our skin unless it’s under a powerful extent. Blood is extremely respondent to this, as well as the liquid in our cochleas. Since our blood is iron, we are a lot more resilient to change than say, an octopus who has copper blood which is a lot lighter than iron.

  • Itch

An itch is a feeling of a disturbance on your skin or under your skin. Its actually a feeling of pain, so an itch is a feeling which tries to get your body to scrape off something n your skin or to distract yourself from a lingering pain underneath the skin.

  • Temperature

Temperature is felt through expanding and contracting molecules. Aside from shivering and sweatiness, you still feel temperature differences, even if your body doesn’t react to it the way which it does now. Its hard to explain temperature as it can easily transverse from immense comfort to pain, but the feeling which isn’t related to your metabolism is small electric currents on your skin which enhance in the cold and decrease in the heat due to water vapor.

  • Pain

Pain is the obvious feeling which we all know. It’s your receptors or nerves telling you to back off because you’re harming your body. Though its unpleasant, its the most important factor of survival. Pain isn’t an emotion, nor does it exist beyond living creatures as sight and sound does, but yet, its the most predominant sense we have.

  • Thirst

Thirst is a almost painful sensation which doesn’t resemble dryness physically, but mentally. Thirst is a physical lack of water, but your throat doesn’t physically ache, your brain indices it so that it feels like so. The brain tricks the person with this pain so that the person would attempt to quench it with water. Thirst is naturally in your stomach and head otherwise.

  • Hunger

A feeling much different from thirst. Hunger is physical pain and can be far more dominant than thirst even though your body needs water more. When your stomach rumbles, you know your hungry, but what is actually happening is your stomach digesting it’s mucus lining. Hunger represents metabolism and is a discrete feeling which we are notified eternally of, making it a definite “sense”.

  • Direction

Direction is a sense which can literally guide your intuition without your knowing or trying to memorize any path you had taken. Like birds, humans have a small amount of magnetum and some iron, which can reside in your hippocampus and tell us ambiguously where the north or south is without any guide. The reason for this is because it’s connection to the earth’s magnetic poles with these magnetic elements in our brain. You don’t need to stop and observe the surroundings n this case, you just need to follow your gut, but don’t rely on it too much because the chance that your going north is far better determined with objects in nature around you.

  • Time

Time is simply a construct. Many scientist disagree with this, but time is just not physically real in actuality. But space-time and earth time are quite different. We only have a connection with earth’s time and our own time. We understand that an hour is longer than a second because we can measure our previous thought process and our memories. If we were unable of making any memories whatsoever, we may still be able to tell that time has passed due to relative fatigue, but that would be an assumption. We also have an eternal-clock which can tell us to wake up at any time if its really necessary. Strangely, for most people, emphatically instructing themselves to wake up at 6:13, twenty times will almost always make them wake up at 6:13. Our brains attach to the magnetic fields from the earth’s axis of rotation and can make an “eternal clock” based on the preconceived notion of a clock.

  • Muscle tension

After you work out, you can easily feel the rupture of the after-effect of a work out in your muscles. You know the difference between stretching, running, and doing pushups since the nerves in the muscles which we excersize are particularly different and in different locations. If we didn’t note our breathing or perspiration, nor the location of where the stress is being felt, we would still be able to tell what we are doing even if blindfolded or death. This is beaus we can feel the particular nerves in our bodies and understand immediately what kind of pain we are feeling.

  • Proprioception

The ability to tell where your body parts are, relative to other body parts. Even when a amputee who has lost a limb lost all nerve connection, still can feel the limb in pain sometimes. Even while lost, your brain will continue sending signals to your nerves for about a year.

  • Equilibrioception

The ability to keep your balance and sense body movement in terms of acceleration and directional changes. Balance is something which occurs in your cochleas (inner-ear). It can easily be disrupted with a subtle change in pressure or from being shaked. This cochlea also expands into the sense of frequencies. Not necessarily hearing since these frequencies aren’t always heard, just recognized as a sort of vibration. The bigger your cochlea, the deeper you can hear, and the longer your cochlea spirals, more higher you can hear. Children can hear 5 kHz higher than adults, and thus the “misquote whistle” was invented for teenagers.

  • Stretch Receptors:

These are found in such places as the lungs, bladder, stomach, blood vessels, and the gastrointestinal tract. They can detect when your full from food, you need to use the bathroom or if your skin is being pulled.

  • Chemoreceptors

These trigger an area of the medulla in the brain that is involved in detecting blood born hormones and drugs. It also is involved in the vomiting reflex. Some may also compare this too sexual attraction or lust or an inhibited emotional response. With a lack of this detection skill, your hormones will be unrecognizable and hence you would have enhanced emotions and a lack of attracting hormones.

Since there are so many jobs that the brain is responsible tp carry out, it would make sense that we would have as many senses as we do unconscious abilities. By this definition, the lists of senses would increase entirely. There’s also the question of whether the definition of a sense can expand to your conscious ability, but as it stands now, senses are only in your “reptilian-brain”, but could ultimately expand outward to mammalian and lastly the “humanized” brain. If all of our conscious activities could be defined as a sense, then the quantity of our senses would no doubt cover millions of properties.

What Is Intuition?

The definition for intuition is the ability to acquire knowledge without reasoning or proof, like osmosis, but any logical person will have at least some doubt in their mind that this is even possible. Then again, we all have memories of feeling weird about a situation and then ended up being right, but how can science explain this sensation? Sorry to all the people who believe in magic powers, but there’s a completely scientific explanation. Every second of every day, your brain’s right hemisphere involuntarily calculates the emotions of others. You can immediately tell someone’s emotion without being taught what that emotion is; even babies who haven’t been taught what emotions are still can easily differentiate a happy person from an angry person.

The subconscious brain is where instinct is housed. This “subconsciousness” is 95% of our behaviors; emotions, ideas, learned behavior, and memories are subconscious. To put it simply, it’s the reptilian part of brain which reconciles and thinks with intuition. The conscious part of the brain is what makes more complicated decisions and uses complex thinking to problem solve instead of acting headfirst with emotion. This is the difference between the “reptilian” and the “primate” part of the brain

This Triune evolution theory has been confirmed. Turtles and lizards don’t have abstract thought, they only have the “survive and mate” ideology. This is the reptilian part of the brain or the “lizard brain” which we all possess in are brain stem, The only thing in our brain which is truly necessary to live and breathe. As we evolved into mammals more than 200 million years ago, we became more prestigious in our survival. As the earth became less isolated and we began to encounter more predators, life became harder, so intelligent decision-making became imperative. After we were able to determine not to touch this or eat that, we started to survive in larger masses, and hence became accustomed to working in groups. Socialization, as shown in virtually every species, causes larger brain mass since understanding emotion is extremely complicated since it involves communication, competition and eventually lead us to recreate the structure of our neurons into “mirror neurons” which mimic facial expressions. This new complexity had become the largest part of our brain, our thoughts and awareness which cause us to call even the meaning of life into question while most animals only have instinct. Our subconscious is where most of the energy in our brain is used. Even though you are constantly evaluating the situation with imagination and intelligent thoughts, those thoughts are uncontrollably being directed by your limbic system, which makes you constantly question your chance of survival and organizes your thoughts with your emotions.

Your brain has two different levels of thought. The first thing you do when you see an math problem is start reading it very slowly, and while doing so, your brain immediately starts analyzing the numbers at a very fast rate; thats how you can’t be “left brained” nor “right brain”, since creativity nor logic only exist in one hemisphere but extents to both of them simultaneously. When one refers to “right brained” it means that the person is more advanced in understanding emotion. When I say that intuition is a “right-brained” ability, I mean that those who have better ability understanding emotion have more successful intuition. It’s easier for them to tell if a person has good or bad intentions, but it’s not the same ability as telling if they’re in danger or predicting the future.

Many people mix up intuition with delusion. there was a series of tests in which people were given impossible-to-solve math problems with multiple choice answers. None of them could solve them, so they relied on their intuition, as instructed, to no simply guess but to feel which answer was correct. They were surveyed on their confidence, and a pattern of women, religious people, and those who scored the worst mathematically were found to be the most confident in their intuition. Some described the ability to pick out the answer using intuition as “god moving your hand to point at the right answer”, or “a feeling in your heart”. Of course, the results of the test were no greater than those who just guessed all the answers. Hate to say it, but “a woman’s intuition” isn’t actually real.

Even though psychics aren’t real, you can still easily tell when your in danger, even if you’re not looking directly at it. The incentive you possessed to run from the dark when you were a child, and that terrifying feeling you felt that someone was behind you isn’t intuition; it’s childhood reactions, sensory deprivation and a particularly active hippocampus which’s activity may even make you hallucinate. As scary as it sounds- it’s completely natural, even for some adults. What really constitutes danger-intuition isn’t the feeling that there’s a ghoul behind you, in fact, military- professional snipers are taught not to look at their target through a scope for too long a time, because if they do, whoever their target is always looks right back at them. The snipers are completely invisible to them, but the target can’t shake the feeling that someone is watching them. Its not as scary as it sounds, in fact it’s not that scary at all, it more like your body is taking action by itself to increase the likelihood of your survival. There are cases where people start running without thinking and a shooter comes seconds later, or where balls are thrown at people who are looking the other way and suddenly those people duck without realizing that their ducking. The same thing happens with parents when they see their children in danger, fathers have especially quick reaction time due to spiked testosterone after the mother’s childbirth. How is it possible to sense danger when the danger is invisible? For some part it’s a mystery, but there are other reasons such as smelling pheromones of others and being alert, or hearing something coming near you.

The extreme sense of awareness plays a part in the dorsmomedial prefrontal cortex which is your sense of self, and ventromedial prefrontal cortex which is your sense of others. This is located in your orbital frontal cortex and your prefrontal cortex which all have to do with your planning and your senses. This would mean that intuition is your brain planning and strategizing on speed drive. Fight or flight doesn’t apply here, because in a time of distress, your priorities are straight. You can’t always answer who you would save first in a fire, but in an actual fire, who you would save first would become obvious and you wouldn’t sit back and think about it, you may even decide in that moment that you would sacrifice yourself. Even children have been known to sacrifice their lives in a fire for the sake of helping other family members and friends escape. Intuition doesn’t extend to just one part of the brain but relies on all. It is particularly the mammalian part of the brain and quickly uses your energy to sense and act as fast as it can.

Sometimes it’s hard to distinguish between intuition and delusion. There are certainly situations in which you seem too come across as having a psychic ability such as in dreams, but that too has a reasonable explanation. When you just learn a new word, you will start noticing that word more frequently, it can seem as if that word had just became invented. The reality is that you are more keen to notice things which are fresher in your brain or have a greater impact in your memory. You will notice things more often if you frequently thinking about them, so finding a correlation in a dream to reality doesn’t mean that your psychic. Even though there had been pretty wacky phenomenas that may seem as if someone was gifted with some spiritual ability, or that something spooky is trying to tell you that something dangerous will happen, but that’s never the case. Intuition is simply a composition of instinct and subtle changes in your environment which trigger your subconscious. This process may happen so quickly that it may not even seem as if a thought of danger had crossed your mind. Intuition is completely based on your observation, it’s really an eerie and mysterious subject, but it’s a good example to show that there’s a logical explanation for everything.


Is Coffee Healthy?

Image result for coffee beans

Coffee has long been the center of controversy involving weather or not caffeine is healthy for you. Most say it isn’t, but I have surprising news, coffee is not only very healthy for you, but it can actually make you significantly smarter and more concentrated, even if in a small amount.

  • Can cut post-workout muscle pain by 48%
  • Lowered risk of diabetes, lowers risk of suicide and depression, lowers risk of Alzheimers disease, and lowers rate of Parkinson’s , heart disease -ect.
  • Stronger DNA (more white blood cells, so therefore less risk of spontaneously destroyed DNA strands). This can also mean a lot for other chromosome-related diseases or mental health problems.
  • Reduce mortality
  • Help reduce the chances of premature death
  • Coffee raises your metabolism and helps you perform better physically
  • A faster/stronger metabolism in general can help you loose weight easily.
  • Great source of antioxidants and fibers
  • Can help protect agains multiple kinds of cancers

Of course, like most things, if you have too much of it, it can be bad for you. Doctors recommend around 3-4 cups of coffee a day. Too much coffee could make your stomach hurt due to a sped up metabolism. or too much can cause insomnia. Related image

Your know you feel regenerated with a cup of coffee, but did you know that with 2 cups of coffee, blood flow through your prefrontal lobe cortex drastically increases? Caffeine has a number of distinct benefits. Chief among them are that it boosts energy and decreases fatigue; enhances physical, cognitive, and motor performance; and aids short-term memory, problem solving, decision making, and concentration. Intelligence is not just cognitive performance, it’s understanding complex concepts and applying them. It’s being able to detect subtleties and linking disparate ideas. Caffeine can’t increase this quality or ability, but it can defiantly help you to improve your overall cognition and can help you work to gain more intelligence.Related image

“Brain entropy” is something which coffee can increase by 20% due to the prefrontal cortex blood-flow. Geniuses all share a trait of high brain entropy which is the opposite of organization. Yes, disorganization can increase your intelligence, but not in the way which brain entropy describes. Brain entropy is like random creativity, and so spontaneous ideas flow through your head with no order. This is what coffee can offer your work, but if you are a jittery and even schizophrenic person, then too many wouldn’t be a good idea. If you are already hyper, then the random flow of ideas and the quick thinking process may make you uncomfortable. Caffeine is a drug after all, so drink coffee with caution, but keep in mind it’s certainly healthy to have coffee if you are about to physically or mentally work hard.

Image result for coffee and your brain

Blood-Type Diets

The adaptive (also called humoral or specific) immune system is typically only involved in immune responses to bacteria, bacterial toxins and virus antigens. It involves the production of antibodies (also called immunoglobulins) against a specific target. The target of an antibody is called an antigen. The antibodies circulate in the blood and react with their specific antigens, The antigens in your blood (which determine your blood type) hence also determine what foods and nutrients will sit well with you and what foods will not. As it seems that there are a lot of diets based on certain fads which don’t necessarily give promising results, what diet is best ensured to help you loose weight?

Could eating a diet based on your blood type — O, A, B, or AB — help you trim down and get healthier? That’s the idea behind the Blood Type Diet, created by naturopath Peter J. D’Adamo. D’Adamo claims that the foods you eat react chemically with your blood type. If you follow a diet designed for your blood type, your body will digest food more efficiently. You’ll lose weight, have more energy, and help prevent disease.


Type O blood: A high-protein diet heavy on lean meat, poultry, fish, and vegetables, and light on grains, beans, and dairy. D’Adamo also recommends various supplements to help with tummy troubles and other issues he says people with type O tend to have.

Type A blood: A meat-free diet based on fruits and vegetables, beans and legumes, and whole grains — ideally, organic and fresh, because D’Adamo says people with type A blood have a sensitive immune system.

Type B blood: Avoid corn, wheat, buckwheat, lentils, tomatoes, peanuts, and sesame seeds. Chicken is also problematic, D’Adamo says. He encourages eating green vegetables, eggs, certain meats, and low-fat dairy.

Type AB blood: Foods to focus on include tofu, seafood, dairy, and green vegetables. He says people with type AB blood tend to have low stomach acid. Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and smoked or cured meats.

Use this table as a reference:

Image result for blood type diets

What The Future Looks Like- Evolution, Intelligence and Government

The extent of the passage of time is something which we aren’t used to. If you were born 66.4 million years ago in the Paleocene and managed to incorporate immortality, then the world from your perspective wouldn’t be the traditional approach which we, in this century, uphold as a standpoint in our evolution thus far.  You would probably view life around you as a phase, and life and death would be an utterly insignificant aspect of life as everything would seem indifferent or boring to you. Needless to say, that would be depressing, but also very interesting. Although you would presumably process time in the same way we do, a century would be regarded to you as a meager day. But what if this were really the case? What would you have seen? Or, for a more inexplicable question: what would you have seen if you lived out the longevity of the human species? The answer is by no means simple, so much so that even the predictability of it is uncertain, so any theory isn’t any more useful than a guess. The reason for this is because the course of humanity as a whole isn’t predictable. There may be one leader who arises in an influential nation and commits acts of prejudice and genocide and may get the whole world involved, or, if the time comes for another world war, the winner may be unprecedented and other nations may collapse. There is especially no way to predict if a natural disaster will happen any time soon either. But what is predictable in the course of our government is the fact that we are becoming more civilized.


Millions of people are going further into education to the extent where college is a normal thing for kids to attend. According to the Flynn Effect, the average intelligence of first-world country citizens increases exponentially in each generation. In the 1910’s, our average IQ was 70, (today’s mental disability average) now it’s around 100, however in nations such as Ecuadorial Guinea, the average IQ is in the 50″s. If our mental abilities keep growing, then technological laws such as Moores law, (the law that sates the amount of transistors per square inch doubles on each computer chip) which technology companies loosely apply today, wouldn’t apply to the future. We have only assumed the rate of improvement of the technology which we use today. It is impossible to tell how far tech will go if we don’t know what will be developed, hence any hypothesis involving future intelligence won’t be credible, as a hypothesis can’t be made without a reliable observation. What we can see, however, is that intelligence does increase at an accelerating rate, and that our brain masses, density, and folds, increase as well. Intelligence isn’t just about the educational environment which we are exposed to, in fact, it’s around 75% heritable, so only 25% environmentally based. Therefore, since there will always be an advance in new cultures for future generations to learn about and develop, it’s highly likely that your kids will grow up to be far more intellectual than yourself.

Our bodies:

Scientist have said some pretty weird stuff about the possibility of our future appearances, such as: we’ll all have dark skin to protect us from the UV emitted from the sun or that our eyes and fingers will become larger for typing on keyboards and seeing screens. Those all very well may true, that is, if we continue to type on keyboards for an extended time and we somehow loose protection from the sun. There have been other odd claims made by scientists. Some think that we will separate into two classifications of people and the separation will be defined by more capable and taller people with longer arms and bigger brains while the second group would be comprised of very small people who lack in intelligence. There are obviously many problems with this theory as we have experienced no such gap between small and tall people, but what can be reasonably predicted is that our skin color will be darker due to interracial breeding and our eyes and foreheads will be bigger due to increased brain size and more light input.


As there is larger access to Americanization, American will presumably continue to be the central nation. All governments center around the U.S, and the U.S influences most other governments. As more countries tend to “marry” their neighboring countries, they envelope each others cultures and hence the quantity of languages and of countries have halved in the past 50 years. As Americanization occurs abroad, we too are effected by the cultures of other natures, and so we slowly make our way into becoming a single, broad nation. Government is certainly no exception; Countries tend to interpret each methodology set by their constitution as something far more ambiguous each year.


Traditions of each generation can completely progress or revert, however, it is extremely doubtful that there will ever be any change in our human nature. Instinct will always stay the same, even if we aren’t faced with regular dangers such as being attacked by tigers, we still can sense plain old danger and aggressiveness. Since instinct doesn’t change, there will never be a downfall in “motherly instinct”, and estrogen seemed to increase rather than decrease, so the difference between the genders will always have a sizable gap in such a way that represents us naturally and our bare-bottom instinct. What I mean by this is that estrogen will always cause women to be sympathetic to others and particularly children while testosterone will cause men to be protective, and will cause men to seek out competition, hence inevitably making them strive for strength and a presentation which will cause women to be attracted. The reason that this will not change is exceedingly simple. Your bodies won’t allow you to start producing opposite hormones because that proves risky for your mental and physical health. Various IQ test show that women with more estrogen are smarter than women with more testosterone, and men with more testosterone are more intelligent than men with more estrogen. As society demands more intelligence, it is unlikely that females of the future will become more effected by testosterone or that men will suddenly adapt to having more estrogen. Not only would the changes be significant on children and cause a hormone imbalance (since men already have 10x the amount of testosterone than a women, this would be a significantly detrimental transition to future births) but if the world citizens had suddenly become monotone in hormones, then the population would suffer and families wouldn’t exist.


We all know that the environment has several positions to it, but what causes the catastrophes in the environment today is often up for debate. As there has been several fallacies about the extent of the government even presented by NASA itself, it’s safe to say, that unless you work directly with the information, that the passage of the data has long been interrupted with some misunderstood notions. Let me confront some of those here. Is the world in peril danger? No, some people fail to understand that the higher gases, such as carbon, will remain in the atmosphere until it’s filtered throughout the “Goldilocks zone” which helps to protect us for UV rays, but not to keep in heat, as it’s not in our atmosphere. Temperature changes overtime, and that’s natural. Is it anything relative to what climate change enthusiasts and climate change skeptics claim it is like? No. The environment is absolutely something to concern about, but has the temperature increased 20 degrees since 15 years ago, or are the polar ice caps melting? No. the global temperature has increased an average of .5 degrees in the last 1000 years. Before that, it had depressed by 2 degrees and there certainly wasn’t any carbon emitted in the air. As gas companies take it upon themselves to start incorporating electrical appliances, the environment won’t (presumably) be much to worry about. Thermo-nuclear power-plants  release steam in the air, so more turbines and machines like that will certainly be more common as more electricity is being needed.

If we cannot define a definite rate of change for human progression, than it’s completely impossible to tell what will be in store for us in the future. All we can do is assume that humanity will not have faced any sudden apocalypse, and therefore, we will have progressed significantly in our intellectual abilities and in our technological performance. We can also assume that science will grow into unfathomable extents, just as the near past would have viewed today’s science as “unfathomable”. The way which politics lean, lead us to believe that world-wide government will not be in the favor of the UN but will, however, be increasingly Americanized. There is no amount of mathematics which can definitively declare what the future would look like; we have done that many years in the past, repetitively, and yet we failed to match up to the standards every year. Hence, our future is mere guess, if it even exists at all, though we should take the present time we have to put in all our effort in hopes of pushing humanity a step forward.